Holy ball-balls. Yep, Christmas is well and truly upon us. Believe it or not, there’s just seven days until we all take a red-hot second to celebrate Christmas with our family and friends, exchange gifts, share a meal or two, and most likely start yet another family feud with our *cough* narcissistic *cough* siblings.
If you’re anything like the Modern Gay’s Guide team, and have done approximately 0% of your Christmas shopping, you’re in the right place. We’re taking the guesswork out of Christmas and giving you five of our favourite gift ideas – all able to be snagged last-minute, just in time for Christmas.
(Ray)Ban the tragic shades this Christmas!
Let’s be honest, we all have a loved one that is not exactly killing it in the eyewear department. This Christmas it’s time to say ‘thank u, next’ to your mate’s feliz navi-DUD specs, and instead treat your pal to some killer shades. After all, you’re only as hot as your squad, so it’s important to keep them on point. Actually, while we’re at it, grab yourself a pair too – you deserve it #TreatYoSelf!
The damage: Although the RRP for the bad boys pictured is $219, you can find ’em for $164 online at Vision Direct – cha-ching!
Where to get it: We grabbed ours from Vision Direct – with free shipping, 100-day returns and a 24-month warranty, it’s a definite heck yes from us.
Gift a little TLC this Christmas
Okay, we’re going to be straight up here. If you haven’t yet experienced the pure gold that is The Body Shop’s 2018 Christmas range, you are unfortunately not living your best life. For both the boys and the gals, The Body Shop has you 100% covered with stocking fillers galore and main gifts aplenty…that won’t just get tossed next week. Remember, a gift that makes a pal smell amazing, is a gift that keeps on giving. If that alone has not yet sold you, how about these apples – The Body Shop are forever against animal testing, and are aiming to protect and regenerate 75 million square meters of habitat by 2020. In layman’s terms, meaning every Christmas gift you grab will help to get them one step closer to rebuilding habitats, and subsequently get you one step closer to achieving ‘Mother Teresa’ status – go you ya’ good thang!
The damage: Your pals at The Body Shop have you covered with gifts from just six bucks!
Where to get it: Shop till you drop all things ‘The Body Shop Christmas’ here.
Save Christmas AND the Environment
Eco cups, Reusable cups, Keeeeeeeep cups. Literally, 2018 is the year of the Keep cup. If you haven’t heard of Keep cups, you’re having a laugh, and if you or your loved ones don’t yet have said cup, you’re having the laugh, because unfortunately, you’re the joke. So this year, to save you from tears, give a Frank Green reusable cup to someone special. Real talk, there are a bajillion (yep, it’s a number, look it up) different brands, types, styles, but Frank Green are our current obsession. Letting you customise colours, a pay-wave chip made into the cup and an eco-friendly design that means in just 15 uses you’ll begin to offset the environmental impact it took to create your frank green cup, it’s a no brainer.
The damage: Starting at $32.95….but made even more affordable with AfterPay available!
Where to get it: Grab your Frank Green cup here.
Live to the (A)MEX this Christmas
Seriously, if you’re not getting gifts this silly season that are secretly gifts for you, you’re doing Christmas wrong. This philosophy is exactly why we’re giving American Express Openair Cinemas the biggest of ticks in our 2018 Xmas Gift Guide. How is it the perfect gift for literally any social scenario you ask? Well, got a partner? Boom, tickets for date night. Got a parent? Boom, 2 hours of hang out time, with literally not one painful word about why you’re still single. Plus, if that doesn’t yet sell you, the cinema is also, wait for it, DOG FRIENDLY. Yep, it’s a movie, under the stars, with cute doggos! Name a better Christmas gift, we’ll wait.
The damage: Setting the average Joe back just $20, or if you’re in the know and are an American Express card holder, you’ll also score 15% off on selected tickets, get access to the American Express Garden & complimentary blanket hire – can we get a yeah boi!
Where to get it: Grab your tickets and check out when and where your closest cinema is here.
Say ‘Merry Christmas’ with a cup of dirt…
Seriously though, this unique AF little botanical gem is the perfect gift for any tea drinking, green thumbed honey. Just choose their fave tea variety and boom, you’ve just won Christmas. Including the seeds, an enamel mug ‘pot’ and tea strainer, it’s almost fool proof.
The damage: You’ll pick up this dain-tea little Christmas gift idea for $24.95, or for the thrifty kids out there, you can throw it on AfterPay.
Where to get it: Head over to FloraandFauna.com and dunk that bad boy straight into your basket!
Well there you have it folks, five of our top picks for Christmas 2018. Just remember, whatever you pick probably won’t be good enough anyway so try not to stress! Happy last minute stress shopping pals x